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NOG-FcgR KO, hIL-15 Tg mouse

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FcResolv NOG-IL15

Next Generation Severely Immunodeficient NOG-FcgR KO, hIL15 Tg mouse

Next Generation Severely Immunodeficient NOG-FcgR KO, hIL15 Tg mouse
Strain Name NOG-FcgR KO,hIL15 Tg

Established by mating NOG-IL15 (NOG-hIL-15 Tg) mouse and FcResolv NOG (NOG-FcgR KO) mouse.

Product features of FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse
  • NOG-FcgRKO, hIL-15 Tg mouse is a severely immunodeficient NOG mouse that has suppress the innate immunity of mouse by the FcgR-/- gene, and systemically express human IL-15 gene.
  • It expresses phenotypes of both NOG-IL15 and FcResolv NOG mouse strains.
  • By transferring CD56 positive NK cells derived from human PBMC, human NK cells can be engrafted and proliferated in mouse.
  • Suitable for studying Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) activity.
  • FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse does not express mouse FcgR, so compared to NOG-IL15 mouse, it is possible to eliminate the effects of mouse derived innate immunity such as mouse macrophages in experiments.
  • It is suggested that it eliminates ADCC by mouse cells and enables specific detection of ADCC mediated by human NK cells.(Katano et. al., Frontiers in Immunology, Oct. 2020)
Research applications
  • Useful as a human cancer immune model using human NK cells as effectors.
  • In vivo experimental model of human NK cells.
  • Research on antitumor effects by ADCC and NK cell cytotoxic activity that excludes the effects of the innate immunity such as mouse macrophages.
  • Evaluation of bispecific antibodies with an Fc portion that has binding ability to mouse FC receptors, etc.
Background data

Humanized FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse

  • Human peripheral blood PBMC-derived NK cell transfer model is widely used.
  • We don't carry out contract production.
Product features of human NK cell-transferred humanized FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse
  • FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse was established by mating FcResolv NOG mouse delated for mouse FcgR and NOG-IL15 transgenic mouse.
  • This strain inherits the phenotype of each strain, ie, long-term maintenance of human NK cells and attenuation of innate immunity such as mouse macrophages.
  • As a result, it is possible to evaluate human NK cell mediated ADCC in FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse, excluding the effects of ADCC mediated by mouse cells.
  • These results demonstrate that FcResolv NOG-IL15 mouse is useful for in vivo validation of antibody drug candidates.(Katano et al. Frontiers Immunology, 2020)
  • We are offering detailed briefings online regarding the characteristics of humanized mice transfected with human NK cells, the production of humanized mice, and experimental protocols for use. Please feel free to contact us at if you are interested.
Background data


Improved Detection of in vivo Human NK Cell-Mediated Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Using a Novel NOG-FcγR-Deficient Human IL-15 Transgenic Mouse. (NOG-IL15,NK cell mediated ADCC)
Front Immunol. 2020 Oct 7;11:532684. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.532684. eCollection 2020.
Katano I, Ito R, Kawai K, Takahashi T.