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NOG-FcgR KO mouse

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FcResolv NOG

Next Generation Severely Immunodeficient NOG-FcgR KO mouse

Next Generation Severely Immunodeficient NOG-FcgR KO mouse
Strain Name NOG-FcgR KO (FcResolv NOG)
  • You will be required to sign a consent form upon purchase.
  • The use of this mouse strain corresponds to the use of Living Modified Organism (Cartagene Protocol, domestic law). We will send you an information provision form in advance, so please check it and use it according to the rules of each institution.

Frozen embryos of NOD.Cg-Fcer1g<tm1Rav>Fcgr2b<tm1Ttk> established by Dr. Toshiyuki Takai (Professor, Department of Experimental Immunology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University) were obtained from RIKEN BRC (RBRC02330, Tsukuba, Japan).
Mouse restored from these frozen embryos was backcrossed with NOG mouse to introduce the scid mutation and the IL-2Rγc target allele and establish them.

Product Features
  • This strain is deleted FcgR gene of NOG mouse.
  • Innate immunity in mouse is attenuated.
  • The anti-tumor effects of immune checkpoint inhibitory antibodies in humanized FcResolv NOG mouse engrafted with human hematopoietic stem cells can be clearly evaluated compared to conventional NOG mouse.
Research Applications
  • Experiment to evaluate the antitumor effect of immune checkpoint inhibitors using HSC-engrafted humanized FcResolv NOG mouse.
  • Evaluation of anti-tumor effect by combined therapy with CAR-T cells etc. and immune checkpoint inhibitors etc.

Humanized FcResolv NOG (humanized NOG-FcgR KO mouse)

  • Human hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) engrafted models are commonly used.
  • We produce humanized FcResolv NOG mouse in Japan and deliver them to customers.
  • Production will be started after receiving your firm order. We usually ship about 12 weeks after an order is placed.
  • You will be required to sign a consent form upon purchase.
  • The use of this mouse strain corresponds to the use of Living Modified Organism (Cartagene Protocol, domestic law). We will send you an information provision form in advance, so please check it and use it according to the rules of each institution.
Product features of humanized FcResolv NOG mouse engrafted with Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC)
  • In HSC engrafted humanized FcResolv NOG mouse, stem cells mainly differentiate and engraft into human T cells and human B cells. Some are also differentiated into NK cells, macrophages, and monocytes, but they are very few.
  • Compared to conventional humanized NOG mouse, the chimeric ratio of human CD45 positive cells in peripheral blood tends to be higher.
  • Analysis of human cell subsets also revealed that humanized FcResolv NOG mouse had a significantly higher proportion of CD19 positive B cells and a lower proportion of CD3 positive T cells, CD33 positive myeloid cells and CD56 positive NK cells 16 weeks after HSC engraftment. (Katano et al. Scientific reports 2021)
  • Graft versus host disease (GVHD) caused by human immune cells is not usually seen. It has been confirmed that in many cases, even if cancer cells are transplanted after engraftment of human immune cells, they will not be rejected and to be engrafted.
  • Differentiated human T cells have been confirmed to be activated by drugs and cytokines and have cytotoxic activity against cancer cells.
  • In the US and EU countries, TACONIC Biosciences supplies humanized NOG-EXL mouse. The quality standard is the same as that of humanized NOG-EXL mouse supplied in Japan.
  • We are providing detailed briefings by online regarding the products features of humanized NOG-EXL mouse, the production of humanized NOG-EXL mouse, and experimental protocols for their use. Please feel free to contact us at
Back Ground Data
Video: FcResolv NOG and humanized FcResolv NOG

Introducing the establishment, features, and major research applications of FcResolv NOG mouse.
An anti-tumor evaluation of an immune checkpoint inhibitor (nivolumab) in huFcResolv NOG mouse engrafted with hematopoietic stem cells is introduced.


Development of a novel humanized mouse model for improved evaluation of in vivo anti-cancer effects of anti-PD-1 antibody. (humanized mice, Imuune checkpoint inhibitors, FcgR-/-)
Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 26;11(1):21087. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-00641-8.
Ikumi Katano, Asami Hanazawa, Iyo Otsuka, Takuya Yamaguchi, Misa Mochizuki, Kenji Kawai, Ryoji Ito, Motohito Goto, Takahiro Kagawa, Takeshi Takahashi

Improved Detection of in vivo Human NK Cell-Mediated Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Using a Novel NOG-FcγR-Deficient Human IL-15 Transgenic Mouse. (humanized mice, FcgR deficient, NK cell)
Front Immunol. 2020 Oct 7;11:532684. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.532684. eCollection 2020.
Ikumi Katano, Ryoji Ito, Kenji Kawai, Takeshi Takahashi